Prior to mass spectrometry and/or 2D gel electrophoresis
AFFILAND IMMUNOAFFINITY COLUMNS are intended for the prepurification of biological fluids which are to be screened by 2D gel electrophoresis and/or mass spectrometry.
AFFILAND IMMUNOAFFINITY COLUMNS can be used for the detection of biomolecules used for steroid treatment of meat producing animals or molecules used for doping sporting animals and human athletes.
ALL THE SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES USED TO CAPTURE THE ANTIGEN, CAN ALSO BE OBTAINED FROM AFFILAND, in a non-immobilized form. These antibodies can also be used in other immuno-separation techniques such as immuno-filtration...
Anti-hCGbeta 109-145 peptide immunoaf. column
Anti-eGH immunoaffinity column
Anti-hGH immunoaffinity column
Anti-human GRF immunoaffinity column
Anti-IGF-1 (Rb IgG) immunoaffinity column
Anti-IGF-1 (Mab IgG) immunoaffinity column
Anti-IGF BP 3 immunoaffinity column
Anti-EPO immunoaffinity column
Anti-Clenbuterol immunoaffinity column
Anti-Salbutamol immunoaffinity column
Artificial oxygen carrier detection